We put our faith in Team Darlton (Exec Producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse) that they know what they're doing and they're going to take us to the end in a fantastical way. But, it's going to be a thrilling ride to the finish! This is what we have been waiting for. The final season of one of the greatest shows of all time is upon us. What can I say? You're all jealous! It's a bittersweet time folks. We got a couple in this episode!) I'm sure many of you had LOST viewing parties or maybe some of you wanted to watch in seclusion to have it all to yourself! Me, I had my lovely new wife throw me a surprise LOST party for 2 ( Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3)! DHARMA stuff everywhere in the basement, Peanut Butter, Mangos and Hurley Hot Pockets for dinner. That was plenty of time to re-watch the show for me, plenty of time to get questions fresh in the head (if you missed it last month, check out my 23 Mysteries to Be Resolved post.
'Sic Mundus Creatus Est' Dark Season 1 Episode 6. 'Truths' Dark Season 1 Episode 5. What do I have to say about it? Oh, I think you guys already know by now: "WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 'Double Lives' Dark Season 1 Episode 4.
The big question is, where are they going with this? Are the storylines going to merge at some point? Are they really just showing us what happened if Flight 815 didn't crash? Is this further going to emphasize how interconnected these people's lives are Island or no Island? All I can say is, there is crazy stuff going on in the timeline we are familiar with and also with the timeline that we kinda sorta know, but don't know! Yes, we're all confused. Yes, a lot of what we have been speculating over the months is turning out to be not far from the truth (they ARE back in the present, but there is some kind of alternate timeline). I mean, what to the what?! That was some crazy stuff. 'Alpha and Omega' Dark Season. 'Everything Is Now' Dark Season 1 Episode 9. 8.0 8.1 8.2 'As You Sow, so You Shall Reap' Dark Season 1 Episode 8.
Lost Season 6 Epde 1 Ending How To Pull At
There is turbulence and Jack braces, looking nervous. Lost (TV Series 2004-2010) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more The season premiered on February 2, 2010, with a double-length episode (two hours including commercials) preceded by a one-hour clip show, titled Lost: Final Chapter.Since this is the last Lost episode the man is a genius Lost may have found its closure with 'The End,' but the discussion surrounding the mysteries left unanswered will continue for years to come. Don't worry guys, I took the day off from work, so I put my all into this!As ever with detective dramas and murder mysteries, Grantchester sees its main cast members return in season 6 while episode 1 also welcomes a host of guest.Lost season 6 episode 11 cast. So many crazy things happening, but we still are invested and still think it is awesome! I'm going to stop this preamble now so that we can get into the EXTRA LARGE RECAP (due to the 2 hour premiere). NEVER doubt Team Darlton, they know how to pull at our strings of confusion while they're getting us all emotional over these characters.
There is more turbulence and this would be when Desmond was off killing Kelvin and couldn't make it to hit the button. Charlie does not race by cutting off Jack in this scenario. She talks about Bernard in the bathroom, Jack still offers to keep her company.
There was kind of a drain look to the water when it disappeared. The Island is under water!!! WHAAAAT? When did this happen? Is it because of the bomb blowing up? Did it blow the island under water? It doesn't appear so if everyone is alive and well in present day on NON-bizarro LOST land! (who are we kidding? It's all bizarre, but it's more normal that what we're seeing in these flash-somethings or whatever) Perhaps, when the island moves it can go under water? At the end of season 4, it did look like the Island when UNDER water as opposed to disappearing. It doesn't stop at the surface but keeps on moving! Going under further and further until we're seeing familiar sites like Othersville/Dharmaville and a swingset and finally stopping at the 4 toed statue FOOT of Tawaret (still only the foot in 2004 and not the rest of the statue). Note that Rose is reading Outdoor Woodsman Magazine and on the back of the magazine there is a shout-out to X-files "The Truth is Out There" Could be very relevant to this show as well, but it better not be aliens!We need to pause from Jack's story because at this moment, the camera goes out the window and down to the water below the plane.
But "it only ends once, and anything that happens before that is just progress." Seems to mean a little more thinking this way doesn't it? Why it's happening? You got me. But how will they get to an underwater island? Man, I'm confused, but I love speculation! And based on them showing the Man in Black and Jacob saying that exact dialog in the "Previously on LOST" section of the episode, it makes me think that this IS what is happening. They 815ers will still end up on the island in this reality too. Maybe there are different versions of the Oceanic 815 storyline that "always seem to end the same". Or, in this version of reality, has the Island been underwater for a very very long time? And if there are many versions of LOST timelines is there only one version of Jacob and the Man in Black? Perhaps the "It always ends the same, they come, fight, corrupt, destroy" thing has to do with this alternate version of reality.
Later in the flight, Cindy is on the intercom looking for a doctor on board. When she does, Kate bumps into Jack (more on that later), and then they look at each other for a brief second. We've never seen the man go to the bathroom once in seasons 1 to 5, but he's on his 2nd trip now! He runs into Edward Mars, the air marshall waiting for Kate to get out of the bathroom.

He tried to swallow the evidence? Dude, the toilet was a better idea! Jack told Boone it was a good idea, but only to get him distracted with something else while the doc saved everyone himself! Jack reaches into Charlie's mouth and further back and is able to latch on and pull out a bag of heroin. But you may not recall, but Boone suggested to Jack that they use a pen to create an air passage for Rose.
Was he ever even there? Weird. Jack returns to his seat and Desmond is gone! What? Rose said she and Bernard were sleeping so didn't see him get up. "I was supposed to die man!" Another ironic thing as Charlie did die and Desmond had visions of it many times and told Charlie that he's supposed to die.
It was very meaningful then because of the polar opposite relationship they developed on the Island, and it was meaningful to see it again in an alternate world where they could have a chance to have a clean slate. Very similar to when they got on flight 815 in the season finale of season 1. Jack grabs his bag and looks a row behind him, and Locke looks at him and they do a head nod exchange. When the plane lands, everyone gets off except Jack and Locke stay behind.
Immediately we are thinking that in "Opposite Land" after Jack's emotional speech in the Sydney airport, that they did put the coffin on the plane because Jack didn't have the papers. It didn't get on the plane. It turns out there was a mix-up with his father's coffin. Jack is summoned to the customer service counter. We see all the 815ers we know and love hanging out at LAX. So things get interesting here.
On the flight, Arzt recognizes Hurely as the owner of Mr. Are you keeping track of all this? We have 16 hours left to resolve all of these issues! But I am still loving that we're getting more puzzlers! I have faith it will be cleared up by the end in an ambiguous sort of way! (like that line? I made it up mysel!) I want more info there still! But his body just vanishes? That sounds like the work of the Island doesn't it? So could the body perhaps have been on the plane, but then it FLASHED off of the plane like some of the crew did on Ajira 316? But what would have happened, it flash onto the Island underwater? So now we have OFF-Island, Alternate world Mysteries going on. Does that eliminate any foul-play in Sydney that led to his death? I'm still not so sure. WHAT?!? Okay, so Christian still dies in this reality. But that isn't what happened, Jack finds out that Oceanic cannot find the body anywhere! They have no idea where it is.