Ams Dmx 15-80S Digital Delay Code Reader System
You can assign them to pre selected frequency bands. Digital Reverb.Electrix Mofx Multi FX (x2) - The delay in these is awesome. Reverbs, Delays and Effects Processors. Good for giving something a bit more presence.LARRABEE STUDIO 4. In the ’80s, if you were fortunate enough to have AMS Neve's exclusive aftermarket bar code reader system, you could load nine additional programs into a stock RMX16, including 810 ms of delay, brighter rooms, and variations of the legendary RMX16 Nonlin, Reverse and Plate reverbs.Deltalab Effectron ADM 64 - has doubling and flanging as well.
I've used it as such at a few shows.Ibanez HD1500 Digital Delay - Harmonizer, and Digidelay. It might as well be it's own instrument. Analog delay with modulation. Twisting the delay time and repeats makes for some wild, warped out glitches.Ibanez AD202 Multimode Analog Delay - Probably my favorite delay.
Worked great for twisting things. Sometimes analog delay too.Korg SDD-3000 - Used to use it on vocals ala Skinny Puppy. I mainly use it for the filtered delay, or the echoplex model. Typical 80's digidelay with modulation.Line6 Echo Pro Delay - great studio tool. It is unique, and probably unintended.Ibanez DM1000 Digital Delay - I bought this a while back for cheap, and haven't had time to plug it in due to my recent move. Makes for some glitchy weirdness when you cycle it back from a long delay time back to the shortest setting.
Has some very unique capabilities on it. Needs repair.Deltalab AcoustiComputer - Some freaky rack delay I picked up cheap and have wanted to fix for a LONG time.